A number of reports have been compiled under some of the project work packages. You can find the details below, with a link to the different deliverable reports.
Synopsis Report
The synopsis report includes a detailed summary of all the work carried out under each of the work packages, as well as Key Findings from each of them. With a foreword from Lee Waters MS, Deputy Minister for Climate Change in the Welsh Government, the report can be accessed here.
Work Package 6 - Water-Energy Ratings
Deliverable 6.2: A review of water-energy ratings systems in the built-environment
Water and energy rating systems for the built environment are becoming increasingly necessary as the demand and availability of water changes and the transition to low-carbon futures necessitate energy efficiency. Rating systems are designed to encourage resource efficiency by helping households and businesses make informed decisions on water and energy consumption, emissions, and cost savings. Several rating systems and schemes exist, including the internationally recognised certification schemes like the BRE BREEAM, USGBC LEED, and the GBCA Green Star which are all important frameworks for assessing the performance and efficiency of resource use in the built environment and are an important means of ensuring the long-term sustainability and resilience of water and energy resources and systems. This report covers a review of current water and/or energy ratings systems in the built environment, including the Australian WELS scheme, Canadian EnerGuide for Houses Program, the US EPA WaterSense, and the Energy STAR, Water Efficiency Rating Score (WERS®), and the RESNET Home Energy Rating System (HERS®) Index and Water Efficiency Rating System (HERSH20) ratings system; and highlight the gaps, opportunities, and research needs that remain in this area.
Work Package 8 - Smart Specialisation Cluster
Deliverable 8.6: Business cases and business plans for end-users and innovations
As part of the Dŵr Uisce project, Work Package 8 (WP8) has explored the potential for commercialisation of the research-developed energy recovery technologies, tools, and techniques in the water sector in the Ireland-Wales Region. This work has been underpinned by the development of several business cases which fed into the design of a business plan for a spin-out venture. You can read the report here.