Innovation in Action: Hosting a full-day event to unlock energy savings, overcome barriers, and inspire innovative solutions
Completed by Dr Katrin Dreyer-Gibney
Researchers from Trinity College Dublin and Bangor University Wales hosted an official opening event in Co. Wexford, Ireland to launch a demonstration of their ground-breaking low-cost hydro-power turbine. This innovative technology has the potential to reduce water treatment and distribution energy consumption by 20-25%.
The researchers aimed to generate interest and support from national water treatment managers, industry representatives, and government officials to expand the implementation of this innovative technology to other regions. However, the complex task of transferring the technology and overcoming environmental variations and local challenges presented additional hurdles.
With the participation of approximately 40 water industry representatives and 10 researchers, the event focused on encouraging ample questioning and engagement. Presentations were delivered by both researchers and site managers, initiating an open forum for inquiries. Subsequent visits to the demonstration site allowed for smaller group interactions, enabling exploration, questions, and assessments of the turbine's adaptability to individual sites. A formal question and answer session was followed by plans for a future session at another water treatment site, while informal discussions during lunch further fostered dialogue.
Learning to Innovate: The event offered a valuable learning opportunity for both researchers and practitioners, equipping them with knowledge not only about the new hydropower technology but also about the innovation process itself.
Understanding Barriers and Enablers: Through extensive questioning and discussions, participants identified barriers and enablers to innovation. Barriers encompassed the need for substantial data to assess turbine feasibility and variations in local environments. However, they also discovered enablers, such as the shared belief in the technology's importance, the power of transdisciplinary collaboration, and government support.
Exploring Energy Recovery Possibilities: Site managers, water industry representatives, and practitioners gained valuable insights into energy recovery possibilities within their own operational facilities. Armed with this knowledge, they can explore similar innovations and enhance sustainability practices.
“Armed with this knowledge, they can explore similar innovation and enhance sustainability practices.”
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